Why Back in Black is your Proven Fractional Controller

You didn’t start your small business to be an accountant, a human resources specialist, or a payroll superhero.

You had a product to bring to market or an idea that the world needed to know.

If you’re like most small business owners, you’d rather not deal with the IRS, accounting, HR issues, or payroll.

These tasks are annoying on most days but can become very expensive when something goes wrong. What you don’t know can actually hurt you when dealing with money, legal matters, or the Internal Revenue Service.

Let Back in Black Financial, your proven fractional controller, offload these tasks so you can get back to doing what you do best.

We help start-ups, nonprofits, and small businesses run smoothly so they can get out there to change the world.

Becki Logsdon
Founder, Back in Black Financial